Facebook Statement

September 5th 2022

Due to the academisation of Ormskirk School, the last three years have been extremely difficult for the Trustees of the Foundation. Our Trust Deed, dated from April 2006, would only allow us to support a voluntary controlled school, i.e. a Local Authority school. Due to the fact that the Secretary of State for Education ordered that Ormskirk School convert to an academy, the Trustees had to apply to the Charity Commission to change the Deed. Inexplicably they refused to do this. That, together with the protracted negations regarding the conversion caused the process to become long, drawn out and very trying to say the least.

Finally, in March this year the Secretary of State for Education stepped in and changed the Trust Deed for us. The Trustees were delighted with the resulting new Deed, which now enables us to support not only the current students of Ormskirk School, but also past students, up to and including the age of 25 years in their course of study OR entry into their chosen profession. More information can be found on our new web site, where there will also be an application form to be sent, on completion to our clerk, Mrs Smith.

The first meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd and Trustees will discuss the bids, making a decision on that night. Successful applicants will be informed by the clerk as soon as possible by the clerk. Again, all details will be provided on the web site.

Finally, the property of the Trustees has been removed from Ormskirk School and now has a safe home at Knowsley Hall. Initially they were all in one room, but now they have been distributed within the Hall.
The grandfather clock, at the request of Lady Derby, is at the bottom of the grand staircase, as it has been much admired. Any visitors will see it as soon as they enter the main entrance.
The oak chest has been placed in the Jacobean Room.
The record book is in the office of the archivist under his personal care.

The items can be returned to us at any time should the Trustees wish, but it should be remembered that Lord Derby is also a Trustee, so they are in very safe hands.

The war memorial lectern will remain in the care of the school, as it is in regular use. It will therefore be in the same room, the hall, as the memorial board that is situated above the main doors.

This is a new beginning for a Trust that is 410 years old on September 28th. Let us hope it continues to benefit the youth of Ormskirk for another four centuries. We now have a web site through which we can be contacted for information about making a bid for funding

Any further information and photos can be found on the web site: